Growing Leadership
Sharon Chmura-Moore Sharon Chmura-Moore

Growing Leadership

Imagine this, you are in the Acton kitchen and hear yelling coming from the other side of the school in the coat room. You investigate and see one learner standing on a bench, shouting with her hands raised while a group of 8-10 learners put shoes away and pack backpacks with lunch boxes. You hear her shout “Come on team, we can do this! What do we need to do?” All learners in the room cheer “CLEAN!” She continues, “Who do we want to beat?” they reply “KITCHEN TEAM!” and she continues again “You got this guys, keep hustling, keep hustling, I believe in you!” She claps her hands, eyes up the room and continues giving personal pips of love and motivation. This is a true story of one learner and her team from the Spark Studio during week one this session. What’s even better is her sister was the rival kitchen Captain! Her loud cheers of leadership echoed throughout the school and inspired the kitchen Captain to put more pep in her step, inspired the kitchen team, inspired all school learners, and most definitely inspired our Guide team to trust that learners are ready to lead.

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Underwater Deep Dive
Sharon Chmura-Moore Sharon Chmura-Moore

Underwater Deep Dive

In reading last session’s survey results one message was consistent, Español was an immersive experience that the entire family enjoyed exploring. Latin dance, culture, food, and language were all fun but the best fun was going on this adventure together. As we straddle a session end and beginning I’d like to offer some ideas on how your family can deep dive into the world of Marine Science and go on a water adventure together.

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Fledgling to Flying Fiesta
Sharon Chmura-Moore Sharon Chmura-Moore

Fledgling to Flying Fiesta

After 6 weeks immersed in Acton Español the Quest journey must come to an end. Although the session focus is complete the love for Español and Latin culture has just begun. During yesterday’s afternoon Launch I led both studios in a Quest reflection and after this Launch and the Exhibition I am 100% certain that our young Owls are destined for a linguistic future and an intense interest in travel.

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A Cultural Mosaic
Sharon Chmura-Moore Sharon Chmura-Moore

A Cultural Mosaic

“We have become not a melting pot but a beautiful mosaic. Different people, different beliefs, different yearnings, different hopes, different dreams.” —Jimmy Carter

All session long Español Quest has had the anchoring of a mosaic image. The Quest map, each Studio’s window painting, and during daily discussion learners have explored Latin culture as a collection of beautiful tiles—a collection of beautiful people and places. Each country has its own identity and learners loved discovering the varieties of food, dance, and nature found in each new country of exploration.

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Writing With Wonder
Sharon Chmura-Moore Sharon Chmura-Moore

Writing With Wonder

Have you heard your learner mention the Acton curriculum of Writer’s Workshop? This session both Discovery and Spark Studios have been exploring the beauty of writing. Each studio’s lens is different but the wonder of the writing process is equally inspiring!

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Acton Moms Answer Their Call to Musical Adventure
Sharon Chmura-Moore Sharon Chmura-Moore

Acton Moms Answer Their Call to Musical Adventure

Last week I received an email from an Acton parent, Sara (Andrew & Amelia’s Mom) sharing her recent experience with lifelong learning and the value it may have for the Acton parent community. As I read her email her enthusiasm and honesty pulled at my heartstrings and today I’d love to share Sara’s words and the words of two other fellow parent travelers Devon (Sullivan’s Mom) and Rachel (Cordelia & Arietta’s Mom). Sara first shared these words and a fancy newsletter title that I just had to use, thank you Sara!

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Playing Civilization
Sharon Chmura-Moore Sharon Chmura-Moore

Playing Civilization

“Children learn as they play. More importantly, in play, children learn how to learn.” —O. Fred Donaldson

At Acton learning and play are inseparable. Learners do not learn facts to memorize, instead they learn stories and discuss how stories of history and current events inspire and apply to their lives. Here’s an example of magical play that we Guides stumbled upon this past week with Discovery Studio learners.

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Español Spirit
Sharon Chmura-Moore Sharon Chmura-Moore

Español Spirit

The allure of learning a new language is equal parts scary and wondrous. The excitement of something new, the sounds, the feel, and the curiosity is often enough to propel you through the lurking feelings of confusion, frustration, and doubt. As learners began Session 5’s Quest of Acton Español this week my assessment is that learners were 25% skeptical and 75% full of wonder!

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Games Galore!
Sharon Chmura-Moore Sharon Chmura-Moore

Games Galore!

What are your favorite games to play? Do you love board games like Monopoly, Candyland, Sorry, or do you prefer moving in Twister? Are you a card shark with Poker or the beloved Go Fish? Are you a Lego or Magna-tiles gamer that enjoys creative flow or do you simply love a classic game of Tag or the level 2 version of Zombie Tag? Do you prefer to make up games or role-play? Whatever your top choice game, hone in on the feeling you have when playing. What word best describes your feeling? Say this feeling out loud right now. This feeling is the main reason why at Acton we play games CONSTANTLY!

It’s simple, games are tools for learning. Games allow learners (and adults too) to practice sportsmanship, teamwork, strategy, critical thinking, language, math skills, deduction, attention, and to explore investment in process.

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Model Learner Mode
Sharon Chmura-Moore Sharon Chmura-Moore

Model Learner Mode

If you’ve visited a Coffee Connect, an Acton Exhibition, or if your learner is chatty about their day you most likely know about being a model learner. Just in case you’ve missed this term, a model learner is simply a learner at Acton who models everyone’s shared values of kindness, work-ethic, and helpfulness. Specifically in the Spark Studio, model learners are your go-to person that you take the lead from and ask for help. They are someone to follow if you are having trouble with keeping your Studio Promises or following the Launch ROE’s (Rules of Engagement)

At Acton, we celebrate these learners with “oooo’s” and “aaaa’s” as they exhibit model learner qualities. “Wow, you organized these cubbies without even asking, you are so helpful!” “You really modeled kindness and patience when your friend was frustrated, that must have been hard.” This acknowledgement is the best hero’s treasure and it helps learners feel the experience of building character.

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Do You Know That Feeling?
Sharon Chmura-Moore Sharon Chmura-Moore

Do You Know That Feeling?

Imagine this…You build a large magna-tile tower and a friend comes by and knocks it down unexpectedly. Later another friend grabs your material claiming the material is theirs not yours. Then, someone steals your seat when you get up to go to the bathroom. Another day you play a board game and lose by just one point. To end your day during a discussion you have a really great idea but you aren’t picked to share.

How would you react in these moments? Would you shrug them off calmly or would you unleash your inner red panda like Mei in the movie Turning Red? These types of moments happen daily at Acton and honestly they happen to every child everywhere. As an adult you probably have your very own version of small bummers that make you want to burst too! Since hard times can be frequent thinking about how you support your child’s journey is essential.

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Town Hall
Sharon Chmura-Moore Sharon Chmura-Moore

Town Hall

“The greatness of a community is most accurately measured by the compassionate actions of its members.” —Coretta Scott King

Every Friday morning each Acton studio member comes together for a Town Hall meeting. The design of this meeting is for it to be run 100% by learners. There is a Town Hall facilitator, an elected leader of the studio who fulfills this role as a job with great honor, and every member of the studio is required to fully participate with intense listening, respectful comments, and voting. This is Acton’s dedicated weekly practice in self-governance and it works!

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Diving in to Discomfort
Sharon Chmura-Moore Sharon Chmura-Moore

Diving in to Discomfort

Think about a time you felt uncomfortable recently and then think back to many other times you’ve felt that way in the past year. How do you typically react when you feel discomfort? Do you A. Walk away or are silent forever B. Do you push through the difficulty with action or words C. Do you take a break and come back later renewed D. Something else or a mix of these options. How do you typically operate? Now think of your child, do they tend to react the same, differently, or do their reactions change depending on the moment?

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Case of the Missing Music
Sharon Chmura-Moore Sharon Chmura-Moore

Case of the Missing Music

Imagine this…Tuesday morning you arrive at school and notice yellow crime scene tape sealing off the Sound Sanctuary (music room). You are curious, you look through the narrow window and are shocked to see precious music materials thrown on the floor! That afternoon your Chief Detective invites you and the Acton forensics team to explore the scene in hopes of solving the Case of the Missing Music. The Chief shares, “This morning the Sound Sanctuary was found in disarray. Suspicious fingerprints are all over the piano, materials have been thrown on the floor, and important piano practice books for the Piano 1 & 2 badges are missing!” The Chief asks for your expert deductive skills to help solve the case. So, you and your partner put on your blue gloves, grab your magnify glass, pencil and notebook, and carefully get to work exploring every inch of the crime scene.

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Big Magic
Sharon Chmura-Moore Sharon Chmura-Moore

Big Magic

What is creativity? It’s hard to define and honestly understanding, sourcing, and radiating creativity has been one of my life’s top missions. Creativity like love is a bit of a mystery but you know when you feel it, you know when you feel inspired! Literary hero Elizabeth Gilbert defines creativity as the relationship between a human being and the mysteries of inspiration. As learners have stepped further into their Creative and Culinary Arts camp journey it has been glorious to watch them deepen their relationship with their creative source. They are visual artists, thespians, bakers, and all around creative makers!

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The Joy to Create
Sharon Chmura-Moore Sharon Chmura-Moore

The Joy to Create

The definition of joy is a feeling of great pleasure and happiness. But what does joy really feel, look, or sound like? To me, the way I describe joy is it’s like having a small sun inside your body that slowly grows and glows allowing you to shine inside out and sometimes even shine and share your light with others. Your body feels warm, safe, and enlivened and your eyes and face are somehow both relaxed and at great attention. Joy is both the sound of a deep exhalation and a giggle. Joy isn’t just happiness, joy is a journey. The journey of not always completing the task well but wanting to try again, it is the thrill of leaning in to learning and improving. Joy is the process with all the mess not just the successful end. During this week’s Creative Arts and Culinary camp learners have been consistently joyful and I believe they are joyful and investing in the process because they have trust, choice, and perhaps a little golden light pixie dust.

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Kid-preneur Metamorphosis
Sharon Chmura-Moore Sharon Chmura-Moore

Kid-preneur Metamorphosis

Young entrepreneurial caterpillars have begun to emerge from this session’s business cocoon as gorgeous and creative butterflies. Just like a butterfly must first struggle to break free from their cocoon before they can fly, learners have experienced the ups and downs of creating. All week learners have morphed from the big eyed idea stage of their businesses, to the stressful startup phase, to now these final session days of racing to fly before the deadline. Your butterfly must go through this metamorphosis, it is natural, although at times scary, and above all thrilling. For reference, the definition of metamorphosis is a change of the form or nature of a thing or person into a completely different one, by natural or supernatural means. Your learner is morphing, transforming, and is so bravely super!

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Collaboration Ripples
Sharon Chmura-Moore Sharon Chmura-Moore

Collaboration Ripples

Imagine this, your child is laser focused with determination and wonder as they problem solve with a friend. Could your child have found this state of flow on their own? Maybe, but often they find it faster and more delightfully when working with a peer or even group of friends.

This session Guides and I have been encouraging deeper collaboration between learners and the ripples of collaboration have inspired a wave of productivity and joy in the studios! Small moments of teaching a fellow Owl to operate the essential oil diffuser and assisting a friend how to organize the challenging Math 100 board material may seem small but truly these little things have the power to change a learners outlook in a big way. The ripple creates a wave, here’s how.

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Buzz of the Biz
Sharon Chmura-Moore Sharon Chmura-Moore

Buzz of the Biz

Imagine this, learners arrive at school and instead of free play they choose to get to work researching, expensing, strategizing, and producing. The 5 minute warning chime dings and multiple learners are unmoved, laser focused, and in deep flow—they can not hear the chime. They need a few taps and kind reminders that morning Launch is starting. Since the Entrepreneurship Quest was introduced on Tuesday this has been daily life at Acton. Learners are barreling into school wanting to talk about their ideas with their business partners or research how to best make their creations. The buzz of being in the biz is swarming!

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Home but Changed
Sharon Chmura-Moore Sharon Chmura-Moore

Home but Changed

The final stage of the hero’s journey is a hero’s return. After a long journey full of twists, turns, and challenges a hero finds their way home but they are never the same, the journey changes a hero forever. Just think of beloved Elsa and Anna in Frozen II (a fan favorite for many), they battled elemental spirits, searched for hidden truths, and Elsa was even frozen solid! After each hero faced their final battle they set course for home and returned the same but different. Elsa and Anna both found treasure in themselves, they found courage, leadership, new responsibilities, and identity. They heard the call to adventure, left home, and then returned as new versions of themselves. They were changed by challenge, changed by experience, grown by vulnerability and courage.

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