Home but Changed

The final stage of the hero’s journey is a hero’s return. After a long journey full of twists, turns, and challenges a hero finds their way home but they are never the same, the journey changes a hero forever. Just think of beloved Elsa and Anna in Frozen II (a fan favorite for many), they battled elemental spirits, searched for hidden truths, and Elsa was even frozen solid! After each hero faced their final battle they set course for home and returned the same but different. Elsa and Anna both found treasure in themselves, they found courage, leadership, new responsibilities, and identity. They heard the call to adventure, left home, and then returned as new versions of themselves. They were changed by challenge, changed by experience, grown by vulnerability and courage.

During the final week of Session 2’s Debate Quest our Guide team met to reflect on the changes we’ve observed in both studios. Most notably we agreed that the vocabulary of learners has greatly evolved. Learners are more regularly sharing “I agree, and..” or “I disagree with your point because..” and many learners now push one another to provide evidence and deep reasoning during Launch discussions. Even the way learners have been playing at free time and recess has changed. Innocent games of robbers and jail now have evolved to use legal language and a move for a fair court case in the garden. “Order in the court!” is a favorite saying regardless of the studio and debating right and wrong and all the grey in between seems to be a now favorite past time. We also have noticed courage and leadership unfold. Learners who rarely raised their hand during socratic discussions are now blossoming with ideas and are connecting concrete thoughts to their fellow travelers’ comments. We’ve noticed greater awareness and care taken to actions and promises.  A handful of learners organically assumed leadership roles and have been heard regularly repeating the saying actions speak louder than words. They’ve been referencing studio promises when giving their fellow travelers kind reminders. Through out the school learners are calling for justice, they are in charge, and trust and studio unity are top priorities for both studio democracies.

Greek philosopher Heraclitus best known for his work in cosmology said “change is the only constant in life.” We know change has happened, is still happening, and will continue to happen at Acton. At Acton change is not a final destination but a constant journey of discovery. This perfectly imperfect mindset is the impetus of learning and growing at Acton. As a Guide team we feel honored to bear witness to the beautifully messy journey of your heroic children.

Just like Elsa and Anna your hero returns home this week. Home is safe, restorative, full of love, and offers a moment to reflect back on the journey. As you and your learner spend time recharging during your week home we encourage you to curiously observe and reflect on your child’s changes. Is your learner the same as when Session 2 started? Did they find a calling during this Quest? Did they find any treasure? Are they more confident in expressing their ideas? Have they grown in their storytelling ability? Have their views on fairness stretched? Plus don’t forget to reflect too! As an Acton parent, are you changing?

I’ll leave you with final words from a wise learner this week “Fairness matters, kindness matters, it’s how we grow that is most important.”


Buzz of the Biz


See Something, Do Something