The Discovery Studio builds a foundation of learning and discovery through personalized Core Skills, exploratory Quest projects and play. Core Skills–reading, writing, math, and computer science–are self-paced and mastery-based using adaptive technology. Learners explore the arts, sciences, history, and the natural world through hands-on projects called Quests each day.


Discovery Studio

LEARN TO LEARN—Mastery Learning

Children work to achieve mastery in the core skills of reading, grammar, and math rather than to earn grades or pass tests. In mastery learning, children learn at their own pace using online platforms that track daily progress towards their goals.

LEARN TO DO—Project-Based Learning “Quests”

Children engage in real-world projects, or Quests, that challenge them to learn by doing. They don’t just read books about physics and complete physics problems on paper but instead build and test marble runs, boats, and bridges in real life. Rather than taking tests Acton learners prove their learning through public exhibitions.

LEARN TO BE—Socratic Discussions & Self Governance

Children at Acton learn to be by engaging in Socratic discussions that encourage deep thinking and reflection about themselves and the world; taking ownership of their learning by setting their own learning goals and participating in the governance of their class; and practicing and celebrating character traits—such as hard work, integrity, persistence, kindness, and gratitude—that are important for a fulfilling and meaningful life.

Why Discovery?

This studio invites learners who love to learn to discover who they are and who they want to be. The DISCOVERY of your passion and talents places you one step closer to a meaningful life.