Fledgling to Flying Fiesta

After 6 weeks immersed in Acton Español the Quest journey must come to an end. Although the session focus is complete the love for Español and Latin culture has just begun. During yesterday’s afternoon Launch I led both studios in a Quest reflection and after this Launch and the Exhibition I am 100% certain that our young Owls are destined for a linguistic future and an intense interest in travel.

Here’s a few snippets from the Discovery & Spark Studio combined reflection conversation.

Question: What was your favorite part of the Español Quest journey?


I loved learning words and getting vocabulario mastery and getting to make our own piñata.

My favorite was cooking so many things and eating. I loved eating!

(Many learners nodded with great emphasis and this comment was repeated 3x, clearly this was a win!)

Duolingo was so fun and having the Travel Journal was really cool. I liked having the different options.

I really like that I’m prepared to travel to a Spanish country and make friends, I can speak to them and understand. I’m going to travel and now I can do it!

I had fun dancing a lot in this Quest, I didn’t think I would but this Quest was amazing, if I say so myself!

During this discussion learners explored what was easy, what was a challenge, and what were aspects of the Quest process that they’d like to  continue at Acton. A top keep was a large majority of learners want to continue speaking Spanish during morning greetings. They agreed that the option is fun and many of them want to continue learning more words and keep the Spanish journey going! A unanimous vote showed that this Quest gave learners a feeling of preparedness and excitement to apply their knowledge to the real world, to travel and meet new people! This love for learning and desire for adventure is not only heartwarming but breathtaking. This was the goal of the Quest. When Guides and I began planning, all we wished was to spark an interest in language and raise awareness and understanding of Latino culture. It’s safe to say that the mission of the Acton Búhos was accomplished!

Looking back I am amazed in the growth of our fledgling Owls. Think of your child at the start of the Quest. Were they unsure, did they know a word of Spanish? I remember the majority of learners hardly knew the word hola. Now their Español communication is soaring with greetings, commentary, questions, and yes mostly correct colors (orange and yellow are tough)! Latin culture and Español may have been foreign to learners but through this Quest’s process of exploring food, language, dance, and stories of travel and heroes learners found their place of belonging. They found and strengthened their Acton culture of curious learners ready for adventure.

This is what Quests are about, sparking a love for the process and sometimes finding your passion along the way. Quests are fun but there are many times when disbelief, failure, and struggle ripples and it is in these feelings that hard work and pride emerge. The small Quest badge now on the Badge of Honor board gains greater meaning than just completion, it is a true symbol of a hero’s journey. A badge isn’t just a button, that button is a reminder of what it feels like to work hard, what it feels like to give help as a mentor, receive help as a fellow traveler, and that button badge is a reminder of all the memories of a colorful journey.

Last night’s fiesta was worth it, these learners are worth celebrating and what better way than with a flying handmade owl piñata! The piñata had spirit and so do our brave Acton Owls, their love to learn, do, and be has taken flight!


Underwater Deep Dive


A Cultural Mosaic