Frequently Asked Questions

What makes Acton Academy unique?

Focus on discovering a calling, Hero’s journey, 21st century learning, Multi-age classes, Self-paced, mastery-based learning, Project-based learning, Realworld apprenticeships, Blended learning, Learner driven, Deep respect for the child, Learner self-governance, No homework, Guides rather than teachers, Socratic discussions rather than lectures, Portfolios rather than grades, Micro-school format.

Is Acton a Montessori school?

Our Acton is inspired by Montessori and we like to think of the Acton method as Montessori Plus+. In our youngest studio, Spark Studio (ages 4 to 7) we provide a Montessori environment and set the foundation for the Acton method and culture. Our Discovery Studio (ages 7-11) incorporates many Montessori materials and principles—such as mixed-age classes, freedom within limits, large blocks of uninterrupted work time, learning through “discovery,” and freedom of movement—and combines them with the best 21st century learning tools, real-world projects, and the Socratic method, which emphasizes asking and answering questions to cultivate critical thinking.

What do you mean by “hero’s journey”?

Acton has found the “hero’s journey” to be a powerful metaphor for children to think about their educational adventure. It is a lifelong orientation toward themselves and the world, a way of discovering their unique gifts, talents, and passions and then developing the habits of mind, character, and behavior that allow them to chase down their dreams with energy and joy. Who am I and where am I going? What makes me special? What gifts do I have? How can I use these gifts to do something great, even change the world? Every journey has twists and turns and requires hard work, even heroic effort, to overcome challenges along the way. Our mission is to help your child discover his or her own unique path. The hero’s journey begins in the Spark Studio, as children as young as 4 years old are encouraged to follow their interests, ask questions, and discover what excites them.

What does it mean for children to be in charge of their learning?

At Acton, we cultivate self-directed learners. A self-directed learner is guided by his or her interests and is able to set and achieve learning goals, research questions, solve problems, participate in discussions, and strive for mastery.

How will my child stay on task in a self-directed environment?

A learner’s ability to set and track goals in order to evaluate progress is essential to success in a learner-driven, individualized learning program. Learners need a lot of practice setting specific, measurable goals that are challenging but realistic.

In the Spark Studio, young children hone their ability to choose and engage in independent work. As the children get older, our Guides help with the development of time management and goal setting skills until older students are able to make and follow their own simple work plans.

In the Discovery Studio, learners set weekly and daily goals, track progress, and establish a rhythm of meeting with peers to hold each other accountable.

How does Acton track progress without grades?

The Spark Studio tracks learner progress through Transparent Classroom, a software that allows parents to see the lessons children have had and the progress they have made in language, math, practical life, sensorial work, geography, art, and more. The Discovery Studio tracks learner progress through Journey Tracker, a software that allows learners and parents to see the work their children have done. The Discovery Studio also uses portfolios, learning exhibitions, peer reviews, goal monitoring, and a once-a-year standardized test.

How do Acton learners compare on standardized tests?

While we dislike standardized tests, learners in the Discovery Studio will take standardized tests once each year to benchmark their progress in terms comparable to other schools. Learners who have been at Acton Academy in Austin through elementary school (and are now in middle school there) are on average 3.6 grades above age in reading, and 4.6 grade levels above age in math (as of 2016).

What is the Socratic method and why does Acton use it?

In the Socratic method, a Guide sets up scenarios and asks questions to stimulate critical thinking and independent learning. Acton uses the Socratic method rather than lectures because through discussions and actively making arguments to support their beliefs, learners hone their critical thinking and speaking abilities and gain a better understanding of a topic than by passively taking notes during a lecture. Outside of discussions, Guides employ the Socratic method with learners throughout the day in order to build and reinforce independent learners who are able to answer their own questions.

How much homework is there?

We believe that children need time to play, relax, and be with family and friends. Homework is NOT assigned.

How many learners are in each studio?

Each AAO studio has no more than 25 learners at one time and our staff team includes Lead and Apprentice Guides. Each studio is a multi-age learning environment—Spark typically includes PK, K, 1st grades; Discovery typically includes 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th grades. At AAO we do not label learners by grade level or age instead learners identify with their Studio team.

Does Acton serve special needs children?

We are not trained or staffed to serve children who need specialized attention because of serious learning or behavioral challenges. We treat each and every situation individually, so if you are interested in Acton and believe it is a great fit for your family, please inquire and we will personally assess your unique situation and the fit of your young learner.

Is Acton a year round school?

Acton Academy is in session 10 months each year, with time off for holidays and winter and spring breaks. Please refer to our Admissions Calendar/Tuition page for more information.

Is Acton accredited?

Yes! Acton Academy Oshkosh is officially accredited by the International Association of Learner-Driven Schools.

Is Acton a franchise?

Acton Academy is an independent affiliate of the Acton Academy network of schools. Acton affiliates share a mission, set of beliefs, and promises to families. Individual affiliates adapt Acton’s model for the unique communities they serve. The Acton network supports affiliates with curriculum materials, learning tools, custom software, best practices, and more. Each year, Acton affiliates from around the world gather in Austin, Texas, to share knowledge, collaborate, and help the network grow.

Who was Lord Acton?

Lord John Emerich Edward Dahlberg Acton (1834-1902) was a Victorian scholar of Freedom who saw liberty not as a license, but as the freedom to do what was right. He was suspicious of power for the sake of power, which led to his most famous quote: "Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely." At Acton Academy Oshkosh, we celebrate his defense of economic, political, and religious freedom.