Español Spirit

The allure of learning a new language is equal parts scary and wondrous. The excitement of something new, the sounds, the feel, and the curiosity is often enough to propel you through the lurking feelings of confusion, frustration, and doubt. As learners began Session 5’s Quest of Acton Español this week my assessment is that learners were 25% skeptical and 75% full of wonder!

Monday morning learners were muy emocionado as they asked dozens of Quest questions. Some learners were even ahead and were greeting and sharing piecemeal Spanish with eagerness. Simply, their excitement couldn’t wait! On Tuesday, crowned with Frida Kahlo flower head piece inspiration Guides introduced the Quest. The excitement hit an overload when Acton learners discovered that they weren’t going to just learn Spanish they were going to be immersed in the beautiful mosaic of Latin dance, cuisine, culture, and tradition. Throughout the Quest learners will slowly transform Acton into an immersive Español experience.

Language isn’t just words, language connects people. There’s a beautiful Chinese proverb that shares “To learn a language is to have one more window from which to look at the world.” This is our Guide team’s aim in designing this Quest. Opening windows, doors, and creating cracks to see the passionate sun is what we all dream about for our children. But why should our children be the only beneficiaries? What about you?

Perhaps you are a parent with a knack for linguistics or perhaps you have always struggled with speaking anything other than English. Either way, I officially invite you to dive into the life-long learner spirit and join your child on their Español journey. Here’s how to start:

1. Get the free DuoLingo app

Discovery learners are using this program and we must say that it is clever, fun, and addictive. It’s fabulous!

2. Research and taste Latin cuisine

Try recipes at home that extend from a traditional Taco Tuesday. Here’s a churro recipe from Spain that learners tasted this week. Delish!

3. Create a Geography dinner

Pick 1 Spanish speaking country to research together and craft a menu around traditional dishes that everyone approves. Our Quest journey will first explore Spain, then Mexico, and then a variety of countries as time allows.

4. Turn on Latin music and swish your hips!

Take it up a notch and practice salsa, merengue, and the cha-cha!

5. Consider a future vacation to keep the learning going!

As an Acton parent myself, years ago when I discovered the world of Acton I eagerly dreamed of going on a shared journey with my daughter. It was the promise to re-do school on my own terms with fun and a love for learning with my child. So much of my learning journey was positive but it definitely wasn’t Acton, it missed the wonder! The treasure of being an Acton parent is exactly this, your child learns to love to learn at Acton and as their parent you love to learn with them! Share in the journey this session and if the taste of learning fills your taza, keep going!
I’d like to thank model learner parents who recently sent me emails in Spanish. You make my day and are truly living the Acton Español spirit! Muchas gracias!


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