Acton Moms Answer Their Call to Musical Adventure

Last week I received an email from an Acton parent, Sara (Andrew & Amelia’s Mom) sharing her recent experience with lifelong learning and the value it may have for the Acton parent community. As I read her email her enthusiasm and honesty pulled at my heartstrings and today I’d love to share Sara’s words and the words of two other fellow parent travelers Devon (Sullivan’s Mom) and Rachel (Cordelia & Arietta’s Mom). Sara first shared these words and a fancy newsletter title that I just had to use, thank you Sara!

“Devon, Rachel, and I took a big risk and joined the Sinfonia program with Fox Valley Symphony Orchestra. We don't consider ourselves to be musicians, but by June 3rd, we three moms will be performing in an orchestra! At the end of January we were handed instruments that we had never played: Devon on flute, Rachel with French horn and I have the viola. We have been mentored by community musicians and adding practice time to our already full lives. It does not sound pretty right now! The point of this "awfully good music" is to bring awareness of the good that Fox Valley Symphony Orchestra does for our community…My personal motivation is to do something totally new and let my kids see the process. Devon, Rachel and I agreed that we have been seeking out opportunities for our kids but not ourselves. We are lifelong learners, of course, and the time felt right for this big and scary thing.”

I was hooked, immediately put their concert date in my calendar, and had to learn more! They invite you to their performance, tickets can be found here. All three Mom’s kindly shared their experience in a full interview that you can view here. I’ve picked out a few highlights.

What motivated you to dive into lifelong learning in music?


I've been seeking out opportunities for my kids to experience new things like camps, lessons and sports but not investing that time and money in myself. I stopped and thought about what message that was sending to them. When the Sinfonia program showed up on my Facebook feed seeking applicants, I was pretty fast at submitting my information. I was really hoping that some fellow Acton parents would experience this, too, because it's the perfect for the Hero's Journey story that our learners follow.

Have you shared your experiences with your children? Did modeling learning change anything in your relationship?


My kids have been around for the practicing and the occasional whining when I don’t feel like practicing. I feel as though conversations with my child about goals and progress come easier now that he has seen me struggle to progress or stay focused.


It’s been incredible for my littles to cheer me on in both my progress and my mindset while learning. This experience has given me the opportunity to show my kids comfort in being bad at something, trying anyway, and making progress.

What has been the most rewarding part of this journey so far?


Knowing that I'm doing this thing, even though it seems frivolous. It changes in the way I see myself. It means that I am "choosing myself" which I know the learners are hearing this concept at school.

What advice might you have for Acton parents desiring to model learning but not sure how to start? 


It has been really liberating to do, or try something new for only the goal of having the experience. I would advise anyone desiring the opportunity to go for it!


Writing With Wonder


Playing Civilization