Big Magic

What is creativity? It’s hard to define and honestly understanding, sourcing, and radiating creativity has been one of my life’s top missions. Creativity like love is a bit of a mystery but you know when you feel it, you know when you feel inspired! Literary hero Elizabeth Gilbert defines creativity as the relationship between a human being and the mysteries of inspiration. As learners have stepped further into their Creative and Culinary Arts camp journey it has been glorious to watch them deepen their relationship with their creative source. They are visual artists, thespians, bakers, and all around creative makers!

Perhaps you’ve heard of author and speaker Elizabeth Gilbert, most known for her book Eat, Pray, Love, but she also wrote a fascinating read called Big Magic. In this book she explores how to live a creative life and engage with this part of yourself. In an interview she shared “Big Magic isn’t the thing you end up making it’s what making that thing does to you internally.” Learners have been filling up Acton with their magic. They have been growing, not only in their skills in art or making scones but in their trust in themselves, their resilience when things don’t go to plan, and their confidence that they have great ideas!

Here’s a few magical shares from this week’s journey…

During a demo of a visual art activity one young learner raised his hand and asked “What if I make a mistake on my artwork, what can I do?” A veteran learner rapidly raised her hand and announced “ I have an answer! Sometimes the best creations come from mistakes. If you make a mistake it could be the best thing. It’s just part of the process of being an artist.” The young learner’s shoulders dropped with ease, his face developed an exciting grin, and he nodded in agreement.

Tuesday, learners were given their final bake-off showstopper challenge: a two layer cake. They were given a simple cake recipe and were told they may use any ingredient in the kitchen and may request one ingredient to be purchased. Each team speedily formed and began designing with an avalanche of ideas. “We need to do something unexpected, instead of a round cake lets stand out and make a square!” “Yes yes, that’s what we’ll do!” “Judges love surprises so what if our cake has a surprise in the middle, like a reveal cake of marshmallows, or better yet hot chocolate!” “I think the judges would be impressed if we had a lot of school spirit and made an Acton cake.” “Looking good is important but taste must be our top priority!”

The determination, joy, and ultimate creativity that filled Acton this week was palpably magical. Yes, learners learned to hone their drawing skills, use a knife and mix batter, and portray a Shakespearean character, however the true takeaway was the creative light that learners found in themselves. This is the hero’s treasure that we’ve been referencing daily! I remember my early days as a parent with a 3 year old and how I worried about my daughter going to school and her creative spirit dimming instead of flourishing. I am no longer worried. These last few years and especially this camp has proven that her magic and your child’s magic is alive and thriving!

Making Acton has changed me and has helped me find my own creative light, my Big Magic. There is Big Magic in all of us, how will you lean in and let yours shine?


Case of the Missing Music


The Joy to Create