Another step in our future Acton Academy Oshkosh journey; this studio will open once Adventure Studio learners are ready!

The Launchpad Studio is a project-based and self-directed high school studio for learners who wish to design their own learning to “fit” their passions, interests, goals, and learning style. This studio focuses deeply on apprenticeships and career readiness so learners are prepared for their next steps after school. We envision our Acton Launchpad learners to go on to attend top colleges, explore gap years, start businesses, enter the workforce, or follow another path depending on their unique interests.

Launchpad Studio

What if high school blended deep friendships with real-life skills for your future? Launchpad learners prepare for real-world success by gaining valuable skills, mastering them through the process of continuous apprenticeships, and launching real businesses, startups, and projects.

Core Skills is continued in Launchpad and learners have even more independence to master reading, writing, math, civilization, by using computer simulations and Socratic discussions. Learners are never limited, they progress at their own pace through our self-directed curriculum.

Quest Projects are heightened in responsibility and real-world application. Learners compete and collaborate in a game-like series of real world projects to gain 21st century skills.

Apprenticeships are developed and continually practiced by Launchpad learners. These unique opportunities are learner-led and allow learners to experiment with entrepreneurs, scientists, community leaders, and experts in a variety of fields. Apprenticeships are a gateway to the real world and offer learners the ability to hone their interests and find their true calling in life.

Why Launchpad?

A LAUNCHPAD is a supportive platform for a rocket to prepare to launch. This studio supports and prepares your child to launch into life after school. How will their rocket fly into their career and change the world?

Hear from other Acton high school learners…

Watch this inspiring video from Acton Academy in Austin, TX. At Acton Academy Oshkosh we aim to create a future studio full of independent and unique learners. Work with us to change the world of education!