Trusting the Little Humans

The journey of an Acton parent is equalling rewarding and challenging. One of the most treasured parts of our community is our parent network and their stories of experience. Stories are absolute treasure that pave the way for new families and echo learning from fellow traveler parents. Knowing that someone else is on the same arduous journey as you is a magical mirror and support system. Last week I received the following email letter from a brave Spark learner Mom named Kelly. Her family’s Acton journey began last Fall 2022 and has been rich with learning. When I received her email I had tears in my eyes and felt the value of her contribution. With her permission, I’d like to share her story with you today as perhaps you’ve been wondering if creating space for your learner to follow their own journey without your push is worth it.

A letter from Spark Parent Kelly:

This resonated so much with me! At the beginning of the year, Luke set a goal to get his math 2 badge. When things got hard with the Tens Board, he stopped practicing. I kept asking him about it, encouraging him to work on it, telling him to practice a little every day…one day I even dropped him off and said “now remember you need to practice the tens board for at least 5 minutes today”  …until you or another parent said something that resonated at the last parent lunch. I wish I could remember the aha moment. 

After that, I stopped pushing. When we talked about his day, I asked if he was a kind friend and made anyone feel included, what he was enjoying during core skills, bright or challenging moments during quest. And, much to my surprise, he started sharing so much more. BUT he never brought up the tens board or Math 2, and neither did I. 

I just saw in the updates that he EARNED HIS MATH 2 BADGE THIS WEEK!! He never mentioned it to us, never said he was close or even that he was working on it. Nothing!! I am beyond proud of him for working towards this milestone and seemingly, doing it for himself. Not because he was badgered or forced to by me, but because he decided he was ready and willing to take on the challenge and do the work. 

I can’t wait until the morning when I can celebrate him and this milestone! (And also celebrate a parenting win for myself of what happens when I let go and trust the kids for the amazing little humans that they are). The kids are gonna be more than all right. 

We love Acton so much. Thank you!


Thank you Kelly for your willingness to share your beautiful story of challenge and trust with our rich parent community!

Trusting our little humans is hard but perhaps it comes easier when we parents remember our Acton philosophy: We believe that every child is a genius and is on their hero’s journey. When we allow space for our geniuses to explore not only do they find themselves and their love for learning but so do we as parents. Believe and trust that our children have everything they need and sometimes that is as simple as a cheer, a hug, or a little space to grow.

I’d love to hear stories from more parents as you continue your journey. If you have a story to share please reach out. Your voice is valued and is a great benefit to the journey of us all.


R&R: Role and Responsibility


Creating SPACE