Creating SPACE

As learners begin this session’s Space Quest I’ve found a parallel universe with the concept of space and the current freedoms to move at Acton. Space is defined as a continuous area or expanse which is free and available to explore.

During this January’s camp we experimented and explored flow, freedom, and space and because of the positive experience of camp Guides and I wondered: Are learners ready for greater freedom at Acton without explicitly proving they are ready? So, just like camp, we extended our experiment and offered freedom to Discovery learners during the lunch and recess time block. Instead of all learners eating and moving outside together Discovery learners may now independently choose to eat in the kitchen or the studio and can choose when they eat and when they move their bodies in or outside. Learners get to decide what they need and when and have the chance to be responsible for their materials and for the cleanliness of their school. Time is a gorgeous gift and in this scenario the only greater commodity than time is trust.

Guardrails of course were put in place. Learners must be responsible for dishes and materials and if any learner abuses their new freedom they will gain practice and guidance from a learner mentor. Instead of all learners losing freedom the individual learner is held accountable and most importantly offered help to improve.

For those of you with Discovery learners you may immediately recall your child’s messy room or array of dirty dishes or socks lying around. This is similar at Acton however our scientific minds wondered could they improve if they had more space to learn? So far, it’s gone surprisingly well with only a few bumps here and there. Learners are bubbly, empowered, generous, and just loving their newfound freedom. The school just buzzes between 11am-12:45pm. For those of you with Spark learners, their time will come as freedoms often trickle from one studio to the next.

Despite a bit of initial hesitation from Guides and I we instead chose to give space for learners to surprise us! If we adults don’t allow space then we diminish growth. Think of it this way, imagine the feeling of your child when a Guide shares “You haven’t had this experience before yet I believe that you can do this, I believe you are ready!” Even if a child doesn’t quite have all the tools to succeed their confidence is now boosted with these words and because of this boost children search out the tools and resources they need to rise. Surprise happens when coupled with belief. Words are powerful!

You have chosen an Acton education, you have done your research, talked with your child, and based on your enrollment choice you believe in and have committed to a learner-led life. Part of this journey is entering the unknown and facing challenges and just like the greatest engineers and astronauts venturing the beyond you are doing something meaningful. The best advice I can give as a fellow parent traveler is to give space for your child to explore, try, fail, question, and ooze with learning. You don’t have to have the answers, all you have to have is belief and perhaps a hug and encouraging word when they need it the most.

As a parent myself I know how hard it is to let go and to step back with supportive space. It’s tough not to know and it’s even harder not to control the outcome however it is my commitment to my children and to yours to allow them the time and space to learn on their own. To not pressure them to achieve and to not worry that they are behind or ahead. I just believe. Children will all go where they need if we set the scene and encourage their adventure. Children are exactly where they need to be in this moment in time.

In the spirit of Acton questions I’ll leave you with questions to ponder about space: What space can you give your child? What space can you give yourself to explore? What space can you allow yourself to breathe and to honor the moment you are in right now?


Trusting the Little Humans


Magical Time