Magical Time

This past week I met with a cluster of Acton leaders in the Midwest and the question that was asked was “What aha’s or big learning have you had recently?” I shared that my big aha was the difference between the feeling of camp and the feeling of school. School often feels lovely and busy while camp exudes peace and oodles of creative flow. I learned that slowing time and allowing greater freedom and learner messiness in camp is where the magic lives. We all want to live in a world that is magical so naturally my next question is “How can every day at Acton have this magical flow of time?

In Acton style, I turned to the learners and wanted to know what they wanted to keep from camp when they come back for regular school. The majority of learners agreed that they want to continue having the freedom of lunch and recess on their own schedule and in their selected location. This was our biggest experiment during camp and learners loved having the opportunity to regulate their bodies and improve their timeliness and responsibility of materials as individuals. One learner reflected that “Being able to choose when you have lunch is really special.” Another learner shared “I often don’t feel I have enough time during lunch and during camp I could be in charge” and in the opposite fashion a learner shared “I have way too much time eating during school with 40 minutes, in camp I only need 10 minutes and then I can do anything and play games.”

After hearing many learners share we asked if they thought their studio is ready for this change. Oddly, they said “I think most learners could but a few will need major guardrails” “If we are going to do this I could see a handful of learners abusing this privilege.” The words most and few are fascinating and many learners kept repeating and agreeing so I asked this next question to the group “If you were a Guide would you plan for most learners or for a few?” Learners voted for most and then the conversation shifted. “Maybe if our studios were given the opportunity they would be able to get better and improve so they could keep this special time. If some learners need help then there could be clear guardrails to help them learn but maybe first they could try.” Others agreed and changed their tune from this won’t work to let’s believe.

Another camp keep was the idea of numerous topic options. During camp learners could choose from 2 options in each topic of culinary, visual art, theatre, and more and one learner shared “I want to have more options because it felt really good to make a choice.” This snowballed into a great conversation and a brainstorm for next session’s Space Quest. Learners shared ideas for the Quest map and for space topics they are interested in and pathways of becoming an astronaut, or becoming a space engineer, or becoming a space researcher. With all their great ideas and planning interest we decided that before each Quest learners should give feedback on their interests and help Guides in their planning process. Their learning is theirs and learners should have the opportunity to contribute their magical minds!

Real talk, as a parent and Acton’s Director it is tough crafting the size of the box. Based on the learner reflection it seems that learners too are unsure when it’s better to limit or give freedom. What I can say for sure is that after this year’s Creative and Culinary Arts camp learners are full of magical ideas and when given the opportunity to shine, their eyes are bright and their interests burns with fire. Inspired by them I desire to put on my rose colored glasses more often and revel in the journey of the mess more.

As a parent you might wonder: How do I know when magic is happening? My answer is joy, ease, and ripples of learning. If you look in your child’s eyes when they love what they are doing you will notice that your child’s eyes sparkle. The magic is within them! Give them time and when in doubt, give them more time and watch the magic flow. You have magic too, we all do, however for adults it often is hard to invite or allow our magic to flow. This is your hero’s journey–to find your magic!


Creating SPACE


Same But Different Days