Sea-ing the Journey

This session learners and Guides have caught the water pun wave. We’ve all enjoyed the challenge and the giggle of puns but most of all learners this week enjoyed reflecting on their water journey. Of-fish-ially I’d like to share their ex-squid-site thoughts on this session’s adventures.

Q: What were your favorite parts of the Marine Science Quest journey?

“I loved my Marine Science Journal because I learned about animal parts and the oceans.”

“I loved the field trip and exploring Menominee Park and sailing was so cool!”

“Nikki and Abby’s hero marine Mom was so cool and I can’t believe there was a crab on our carpet!”

“Coloring the ocean was beautiful and I did the part with the cute penguins.”

“This Writer’s Workshop I really went out of my comfort zone with my animal research and my writing got so much better.”

Q: What were your biggest challenges this Quest for either you or your Quest running team?

“Making the shark model was super tricky, the head and teeth I was so confused but it looks super cool and now can eat people!”

“It was hard to work as a team and earn levels together because sometimes I was ahead and other times it took a long time to level up.”

“The seal sculpture was hard, the newspaper kept falling off and wouldn’t always stick.”

“It was tough when some learners came in halfway through the Quest and our team had to figure out how to work together and overcome group challenges and I couldn’t believe then we became the first to finish!”

Q: If you found a passion during this Quest, in what ways are you interested in continuing your Quest journey?

“I want to keep learning new things about the ocean because I want to be a scientist and keep exploring, there is so much that we don’t know and I want to invent things to help the Earth.”

“Just like I said at our field trip, I have decided that I have a passion to be an Earth protector so I am going to start a trash business and inspire people to protect our Earth more.”

“I want to keep doing online research about marine animals after this Quest.”

“I think my new passion is being an author of marine science books because it is just like Writing Workshop. I want to keep writing.”

“I’m going to save the coral and pick up trash and stop plastics!”

It is always so special to sea the evolution of the Quest journey. Learners begin with wide eyes, go through challenges, find lightbulb moments, and for many become experts and ignite a passion for the topic! Each Quest is not for everyone but the process of learning something new is! At Acton we are committed to experimenting in order to find our callings to change the world. As you may have noticed this session, many learners are incredibly driven to assume their role as water and Earth protectors. They gave advice in the form of a “call to action” in each studio. Some of their thoughts were: Recycle, stop using plastic bottles and instead use cups, fish less so the ocean can have a stronger ecosystem, stop pesticides, use less paper and both sides, if you go to the beach pick up trash immediately! With these learners leading the charge our Earth is in beautiful hands. We’ll sea if their enthusiasm will start a wave of change!


Growing Curiosity

