
This week splashed with a multitude of connections! The highlight was yesterday’s first Acton field trip to Menominee Park, Zoo, and The Waters Yacht Club to experience and spark a passion for marine life and sailing. Not only was the day beautiful but it was beautifully full of learners experiencing their community and connecting their studio learning to real life!

At Acton we 100% believe in open-walled and process-based learning. Rather than reading about a sailboat and the process of wind why not connect with members of your community and learn by doing?! How can you understand wind in a book if you don’t feel it on your face or experience the push of it on your sail (or lack there of). We are so grateful to live in a water city destination and even more grateful to connect with our community friends at The Waters and the Oshkosh Yacht Club. The sailing instructors all had an evident passion for sailing and embraced Acton learners with kindness and trust. One learner shared “Wow, some of them are teenagers and are experts! I want to be like them!” To say a passion for sailing was sparked is an understatement! I’m still floored that learners effortlessly jumped into the boats and for the most part glided out of the harbor into open water. Yes, there were a few circles in place and bumper boat moments but learners were joyful and rose to the challenge of sailing! Many want to sign up for classes and continue the sailing spark!

Connecting what you are learning to where you live is special. For many learners venturing to the Menominee Park and Zoo was not a new experience but because of the journey with fellow travelers and a marine science lens learners connected with new meaning. The zoo sign of Wisconsin water fowl finally deserved a longer look and allowed learners to identify the squawks they hear. Is that white bird a Great Egret, Herring Gull, Ring-belled Gull, or White Pelican? All are possible! Plus, learners explored the park and learned the meaning behind the naming of Menominee Park after the Menominee tribe and the honorable Chief Oshkosh. In fact, this was one stop on their scavenger hunt, to stand proud like the monument of Chief Oshkosh. Names, place, and the journey all are important.

Quotes from yesterday included “This is the best day ever in my life!” “I’ve been here before but it’s totally different when I’m learning with my friends.” “I can’t believe I actually sailed on my own! I was scared but I actually did it!” “There is an injustice in the zoo, the otters need more toys!” “I love picking up litter because the beach and park look so beautiful when it is clean. Protecting the Earth is my passion!”

The last connection that is at the heart of our Acton mission is that the Acton journey isn’t just for learners, the journey connects learning and learners more deeply with their families. So many parents joined us yesterday, some bravely for the entire day and some for parts. To all parents I and our Guides thank you wholeheartedly. One Mom not only shared pictures with me at the end of the day but also reflective words in an email. They are worth sharing with you. “I so so so loved being able to join in the learning adventure today! It was amazing to see the learners figure tough stuff out together and find ways to support each other through moments of difficulty. My word to sum up today is rewarding. Rewarding to spend the day with my child. Rewarding to meet and be in awe of her fellow learners. Rewarding to spend the entire day outside on such a beautiful day. And the ultimate reward of a hard earned popsicle at the end of the day!”

Thank you Rachael and to all parents for yesterday and for supporting your child’s joyful Acton journey every day! We are grateful for your community and connection.


Sea-ing the Journey


Self Governance