Processing Powerful Promises

The words “I promise” are powerful. These words have honest intention, hope, and most importantly they are a pact between people. Promises often followed by a pinky, handshake, hug, or serious wide-eyed nod seal the commitment to a specific dream for yourself and to others, to follow through.

At Acton every first session of the year learners create their contract of promises. Promises are different than rules and language at Acton is important, there are no studio rules only promises. I know the changes of language at Acton can take a minute to onboard and sometimes as a parent you might feel like we are intentionally messing with your brain. I promise we aren’t, we simply are committed to intentionality and love the clarity of language. At school learners explored the difference between rules and promises and we couldn’t say it better than our Spark learners: “Rules are something you have to do and promises are something that you want to have with your studio. Rules have consequences, our promises don’t, they have reminders. Promises create trust!”

The journey of developing a promise contract is gloriously messy, challenging, and rewarding—especially when signing with a feather pen! For the last 5 weeks learners participated in a Promise Machine game which allowed them the safety to generate promise ideas, try promises out before committing, and vote if a promise was necessary to uphold or if it gets recycled into the trash. More than any previous session, Discovery learners moved through this process with deep critical thinking, incredible respect for one another’s ideas, and a new addition was their brave leadership to guide and operate this process independently. My favorite moment was the thorough debate of word selection plus the conversation about a trashed unnecessary promise of “I promise to not kiss anywhere without consent.” Here are the results of the 2023-2024 promise journey.

Spark Studio Promises

  1. I promise to use marshmallow feet and body. 2. I promise to not hurt friends. 3. I promise to tell the truth. 4. I promise to not tease and to use kind words. 5. I promise to work hard, do my best, and never give up.

Discovery Studio Promises

  1. I promise to be kind to the studio and keep it intact. 2. I promise to be kind to nature and animals outside. 3. I promise to be safe online and to keep other learners and Guide information private. 4. I promise to follow recess rules. 5. I promise to not be distracting during work and flow times. 6. I promise to help the studio because the studio is important to me.

At Acton the bond of promises abound throughout our school model. Here’s a reminder that you signed a parent contract of promises when your family enrolled, plus our Guides make promises to learners, Guides commit to promises to our Acton team, and we have promised you five core promises for your family’s journey.

Acton Academy Oshkosh promises your child will…

1. begin a hero’s journey 2. learn to be curious, become an independent learner, and love lifelong learning 3. understand the importance of strong character 4. cherish the arts, wonders of the physical world, and the mysteries of life, 5. treasure freedom including economic, political, and religious freedom.

The journey has just begun, promises take time to fulfill, and we are so grateful for your beautiful children and for your promised commitment to our growing community. As an added promise to you and your family, I’m reminded by a question I was asked by a prospective parent “Can you share your personal commitment to the long haul of my child’s education?”

As your Director I am honored to share my promise to you: I promise to love each of your children, to support you with a tough-mind and warm-heart, and to brave the messy journey for the goal of deep meaning.

Try the promise machine game at home and deeply fall in love with getting messy with practicing the powerful promise process. I promise it’s worth it!


Dearest Parental Readers,


Growing Governance