Dearest Parental Readers,

On this day of the 20th of October of 1560 in the Acton kingdom there is much news to report about the noble household happenings. I as your Lady of Communication would like to provide you, our regular parental readers, with some astute insight into my recent tours of the households of Spark and Discovery. Both households recently experienced a hiring of new peasant staff and as they began their positions of house operation this week there were many gems of peasant productivity and a twinge of rebellion!

This week as a stealth news operative I disguised my identity as a fellow peasant and crafter cook in order to learn the details of scandal and intimate knowledge of feelings in each of these noble homes. At first many peasants shed tears and dismay for having to clean with great detail and respect however after a few days of practice and realization they began to embrace the honor of hard work. It was fascinating to hear how the viewpoint of peasants varied. For some they viewed the opportunity to rise in station from peasant to crafter to noble/knight and for the rare few royalty as a great opportunity while other peasants viewed this process as punishment. For those that believed they were being persecuted I quietly uncovered a plan of great scandal! I overheard murmurings by a small group of disgruntled Discovery peasants of a rebellion and their plans for a refusal sit-in and sabotage. They planned on their Wizard boxes that glow and remember words and they whispered in the ears of many peasants to convince them to join their cause. Later that afternoon, although their plans were laid they quickly abandoned their resistance and gave in to the process and seemed to engage with good humor. It is unclear what exactly altered their perspective. Perhaps it was the investment of their fellow peasants, perhaps it was a realization of a fun game, or perhaps it was the delivery of the Queens’s owl postal note that drove them to desire participation.

Many peasants are young and inexperienced and such they were unaware of proper house protocols when addressing those of a higher status. After practice peasants swiftly showed improvement in language addressing nobles as “your grace” and their civilized actions of bowing and acting with patience. Even the Royal Acton Queen commented on her admiration of many peasant’s grace and attention to protocol. Upon her royal highness’s visit she inspected manners and cleanliness of the houses and provided a bit of fun with fashion advice and a celebratory treat of tea, cookies, and her favorite seasonal delight of juice of the apple. As a quiet viewer I found it most entertaining that each house managed to transform both in etiquette and entertainment.

Perhaps the most fun came from daily discussions at the carpet, the time for intellectual stimulation. Peasants giggled as nobles referred to them with reference to attire rather than name such as creature shirt peasant, rainbow peasant, peasant with the 3 triangles, and the like. Although these circle discussions offered great surprise of naming peasants they also shared moments of opportunity to discuss artists such as the contemporary playwright William Shakespeare and to explore reflection. Just like looking in our kingdom’s lake peasants of each house were afforded an opportunity to reflect on the image of their house and their opportunity to explore this journey. Peasants showed great aptitude, wit, and shared vivid insight to their daily experiences with these words. “I think being a peasant is an opportunity to learn life skills and to understand history and how others were treated. I think it’s a privilege for us to have this experience to really understand and that it’s a privilege to be here.” “I think having the privilege to earn is good because we have the opportunity to care about our freedoms.” “I prefer to play the game as a peasant because working your way up in the game is more fun than doing whatever you want.”

Clearly these peasants understand the journey’s aim and are destined for greatness! As a member of the ton please ponder how you will aid your peasant and hopeful nobility to embrace hard work and the practice of kind manners with fun and play. My greatest encouragement is to simply nurture the peasant process. Until next time devoted parental readers, I bid you a fruitful journey!


The Magic of Merriment


Processing Powerful Promises