Running Resources

Have you ever witnessed a pack of runners? A few years ago I was picking up my kids at daycare and I saw them—the pack running with energetic strides, palpable rhythm, oozing joy. As I sat in my car I witnessed 15 UW Oshkosh runners in a variety of yellowish gold and black clothing run. As I watched I was mesmerized and I’m sure my thought was “look at them go!". This memory is stuck in my brain as a slow-mo moment where time shifted. I remember watching leaders show the way and I’ll never forget the encouragement the middle crew showed to the runners in the rear. As I watched for probably way too long the pack shifted and although the front leaders forged on the group as a whole organically morphed and changed as if their movements were choreographed.

Although our Acton learners aren’t literally running the experience of watching this pack of runners is exactly what it’s like watching running teams of learners at Acton. Leading learners emerge showing the way and the entire group morphs, shifts, and oozes hard earned joy. To explain, Guides group learners into small groups of approximately 5 learners differing in personality, age, and experience. A small group grows skills of team building but it’s so much more than that. A learner’s running team is a dedicated group of people that form an identity. They are resources when a learner is stuck, they hold one another accountable for productivity and goal setting, they uphold promises and warn guardrails, they cheer and play, they listen, and they grow together.

So far learners have picked running team names, have identified top character qualities their team values, and my favorite task is they gave a first attempt at sharing what support they prefer when they are in the “dip” (frustrating situation). Guides asked learners to share if they prefer a hug, cheer, space, help, or something else. Support and communicating needs is tricky but these soft skills are invaluable ingredients to meaningful community. To give you a fun teaser, running team names range from Dolphins, Cool Kids, Lava Love, Treasure, and more. I was really rooting for team Chicken Nugget but one learner didn’t have the votes and so team Husky it was instead!

As a parent you have a running team too, this is merely a suggestion of who to reach out to first. I’ve tried to think it through just like how we group learners however if you find a veteran parent that you connect with outside of your designated running team get running as partners instead. If you think running teams aren't for you and they are probably unnecessary read these questions. If you’ve asked yourself one of these questions it’s worth running.

How do I know my child is learning?

I want them to love school but how long will it take until they truly love it?

How is it possible that the kids make the rules?

I don’t think my child is responsible enough to track their own goals, will a Guide push them?

Without grades or homework how will I know if they are learning and are smart?

My child asks so many questions, why don’t Guides answer questions?

It seems fun but is my child just playing all day? What on Earth is a Launch and a Town Hall meeting?

If you are a new parent there are a myriad of veteran parents who have ran this trail before. Pick one or more parents to be your first resource of fellow travelers, fellow parents that are apt to give advice, encouragement, listen, and to share the journey of running with your child. All running team member contacts can be found in the Family Directory on the Family Portal, just pick and email.

If your shoes are still stuck in the mud and you’ve asked a few runners, come to me. I’m your coach and my whistle and ears are always ready. It is a messy and winding journey being an Acton parent and it’s also mesmerizing. When you stop running don’t forget to revel in the vista of your child growing, then kick up your heels and keep going! Let’s run!


Finding Treasure in the Dip


The Wonder of Wishing