Predicting the Adventure

As parents we don’t have a crystal ball, a psychic mind, or fortune cookie that will tell us our child will thrive, be successful, make friends, or love to learn. Although we wish for peace of mind our child’s future is a secret that only time will tell.

Mahatma Gandhi, a hero by many and especially Acton learners, once said “the future depends on what we do in the present.” As we end the first week of school if you are grappling with predictions, questions, or worry here are a few tools to help you live into the present moment.

The first tool is one question. Instead of focusing on your child’s journey ask yourself “Who do I want to be as I support my child?” Take a moment right now and either grab a piece of paper or start a new note on your phone. Write down your character qualities, how you want to feel, and anything else that encapsulates your dream self. When you grapple return to these thoughts and remind yourself of the parent you’ve predicted. Here’s a few more tools to guide you on your year’s adventure...

Tool 2. Family Running Teams—Reach out to your team of parents and share stories, concerns, and community. Those families who have lived Acton for one year or more have been through it all and have the bumps and badges to prove it. Plus, there is more to come so find a shoulder and a cheer squad!

Tool 3. Wait—Instead of expecting to hear a report of the day or expecting your learner to be able to explain all their studio systems with clarity, release your expectations and engage in the patience of waiting. There’s a magic in waiting, wait to see your child’s aha moments, wait for them to share. Transformational learning happens slowly so give your child time to be curious, experiment, and grow.

Tool 4. Be Curious—Curiosity is the motivator of learning and joy. Get curious by asking questions instead of providing answers. Demonstrate life long learning with your child and practice discovering every day. We promise that together you will learn and have fun!

Tools 5. Resources—Explore not only your Parent Studio resources on the Acton Family Portal but also help yourself to the parent book shelf in our school’s Book Nook aka the library. Feel free to borrow or add to our collection.

Tool 6. Growth Mindset––The power of “yet” is your best friend! Model failure in front of your child. If you process your thoughts out loud when things are hard your child will sponge off your rainbow mindset. New to the growth mindset? We have this perfect video!

The secret of the future will soon be revealed but for now I invite you to go on the journey and live in the present. As Eleanor Roosevelt elegantly said “the future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.” Our children are the dream and it is our heroic journey to believe with everything we’ve got! As an Acton Mom myself I can say that the hard road is worth taking. Your family’s hero’s treasure is within reach!


The Mini-Guide Journey


The Year’s Heroic Journey