Passion Magic Machine

“What are you passionate about?” This was the first question posed as learner’s began Session 3’s Entrepreneurship Quest. As learners went around the circle answering this question it was amazing to witness the glow that filled their faces as they proudly shared “soccer, art, nature, my family, reading, swimming, Pokemon, cooking”. Passions are simply the start. Passions coupled with a real-world problem makes way for an amazing entrepreneurial opportunity. 

Passions + Problems = Business Idea

This week learners practiced idea generation by using the Passion Magic Machine. One end is your heart (passion) and inside is a dilemma, the two mix together with a wonderful tinkering and loud buzz as the heart energetically shakes and slowly moves through the conveyer belt. Suddenly a “DING” and out pops a lightbulb, the idea! Here’s one of the passion+real-world problem learners light-bulbed this week. 

Passion: Cooking 

Problem: Kids love to cook but often it’s hard to read a recipe. How can kids pursue their passion on their own without the help of an adult?

Lightbulb Ideas: 1. A kids cookbook with only pictures. 2. An app that helps you read the cookbook 3. Cooking lessons so kids don’t need recipes + more!  

The machine process was glorious, and SOOO many lightbulbs were going off. The Guides and I deeply loved all the big eyes, large hand gestures when learner’s pitched ideas, and all the fantastic high-fives! 

The rush of a lightbulb moment can happen at any time but often questions can cause a spark. This week we sent your learner home with a mission to ask you two questions as you are your child’s greatest inspiration. 1.“What is your passion?” 2. “What is your calling?” Sometimes it may be hard to pinpoint what you are passionate about, maybe your passion has changed over the years, other times you may have so many passions it’s hard to choose where to dive in. You and Acton Guides share a passion, our passion for our amazing hero learners. Like Guides we ask you to ask questions, get deeply curious with your learner, and model a passionate and meaningful life. Here are a few questions to ask yourself and your learner. What are your gifts? What are your talents? Are there any problems that you want to solve? How do you want to change the world?




Calling Out Kindness