For the Love of Freedom

“How do you know learning will happen, won’t they just goof off?” “If learners are in charge of the school doesn’t it turn into Lord of the Flies?” These are the top two questions I am commonly asked about Acton and perhaps you are still wondering how the learning environment founded on freedom really works. The answer is simple, learners have freedom within a structured system of boundaries.

Education hero, Maria Montessori, shared “The first aim of the prepared environment is, as far as it is possible, to render the growing child independent of the adult.” Slowly and systematically Guides hand freedom and systems over to learners, rendering the role of the Guide eventually obsolete! But how does this happen specifically?Systems and A LOT of consistency! Systems that support freedom are 1. a predictable and timely schedule (time is treasured) 2. the language and process of the Socratic method (a Guide questions never answers or lectures) 3. Curriculum of badges, quests, freedom levels, plus very soon the finalization of studio contracts, the structure for self-governance. Within these systems learners have the freedom to choose everyday. Will I work with this material or that one? Will I work at a desk or on the floor? Will I talk to my friends or will I focus on myself? Will I snack now or later? Natural limits of achievement, human emotion, and digestion allow learners to make choices within limits.

This was best described yesterday between a Guide and young learner. The learner is adventurous and decided to create an obstacle course while everyone else was practicing Yoga. After distracting, she was asked to leave the Yoga Studio and the frustrated learner shared “I don’t like to be told what to do!” With a twinkle in her eye the Guide replied “Great! At Acton, Guides never tell you what to do, we give you choices and you get to decide.” Her lightbulb turned on and the learner shared a long “Oooohhhh, well that’s ok.” The Guide asked “do you want to try Yoga again or sit and wait?”, the learner made her choice. 

True freedom isn’t the ability to do whatever you want instead it is the ability to make clear choices. Daily freedom is nurtured, protected, trusted, and consistently evaluated. The freedom level bar (pictured) is a living representation of the freedoms of learners and Guide. This work is challenging yet it is our Acton love for freedom that fuels Guides to equip learners with tools of independence and hopefully buckets of kindness. 


Parliament In Session


Questions that Empower