Does the Past Determine the Future: A Year’s Journey

Think back to September, think back to the challenges, the goals, and the style of your learner. Now think of your learner today. How have they stayed the same and how have they changed? Think of yourself and your family. How have you stayed the same, how have you changed? As I look back on this past year I am filled to the brim with surprise and awe. For some reason the year 3 that I envisioned developed to be a year of transformation that I never could have predicted. In the words of an overwhelming majority of parents the growth this year at Acton is overflowing, blossoming! The “G” word is all encompassing. Learners have been growing in learning, conversation skills, friendships, our Guide team has grown, I have grown as a Director and parent, and now our school enrollment is growing too. I’d like to share a few highlights of the journey that I’ve noticed along with sprinkles of observations from learners, Guides, and parents.

As both studios reflected and Guides reflected this past week on the year’s journey it was amazing to feel the love and honor the journey of challenges. Learners shared their lessons learned: “I learned that sometimes reading isn’t as easy as I think and then I work hard to get to mastery and then I learned I really like reading and now I’m good at it.” “It’s been tough having friends choose to be pirates but holding them accountable is important and now we have a lot more captains.” “I speak a lot more in Launches now, it was my dragon, and now I like sharing my ideas.” “I found my passion at school and it makes me really happy to get better and grow.”

Guides shared many learning and growing gems too. We all agreed that the Quests that seemed to land most and catapult learning were Debate, Entrepreneurship, Español, Marine Science, and now almost every learners favorite Passions Quest. Learners LOVE discovering who they are, exploring who they can become, and sharing the journey with their peers through the lens of Quest. When I asked Guides what lessons they learned this year they eloquently shared “I learned it’s not about me at all and that I have to have a tough heart with kind words.” “I learned why it’s so important that at Acton all voices are heard, there’s so much more buy-in because learners are the ones building their school.” “I’ve learned to non-stop learn.”

For me, as Director and as a parent I have learned the incredible lesson of allowing the process to be the journey. Our Guide team needs to learn as they go with highs and lows, the studio is worth getting messy to invite cleanliness, and there is extreme value in everyone feeling stuck or struggle. It is in these challenging moments that heroes are born. It is in these moments that heroes practice resilience, gain the experience of hard work, and define who they want to be. As a Mom, I learned that if I check in with loving support and set the stage my daughter will run wild with achievement and discovery. Of our 3 years I have never been more surprised by the dedication and insight of my own child and our Acton owls. My word for the year is surprised. I have surprised myself with my own resilience to step back and step up and and I have been joyously surprised by the bountiful growth of learners and the growth and now booming interest in our school.

As we close the school year, think of one word that encapsulates your year’s experience, maybe it’s growth maybe it’s something else. My only push is to be unabashedly honest. Your past year might determine your future or it might simply give you information of what you’d like to change. Once you have your word, honor it by breathing in and hold space. Then, percolate and pinpoint a word for next year. What one word do you want to live into as you continue your journey? How do you hope to practice this new word?

I am humbled by our Acton community’s growth and I am grateful for each and every one of your families. You and our children are what make our little blue school magic and in the words of one reflecting Guide, “Acton feels like a daily rainbow ceremony, I’m excited to be here every day.” Thank you for showing up daily and thank you for trusting us with your beautiful heroes. Does the past determine the future? If our little blue school’s past of growing heroes is any indication then our future is in grand hands!


The Wonder of Wishing


Passionately Curious