Daily Democracy

Inspired by our country’s 2020 election, Tuesday was a day for learners to practice the amazing process of voting in the studio.

What’s the most important and highly coveted job for Spark Studio learners? Line Leader, of course!

We started with nominations. Many learners quickly breathed through their desire to self-nominate and quickly raised their hands for friends who they believed were most responsible and qualified for the position of Line Leader. Eight were nominated, whole-heartedly accepted the nomination, and then gave their speech on why they were the best person for the job. “I promise to keep everyone safe and to be a fun Line Leader” “You can count on me to keep the line quiet and no one left behind” “I’ve been the Line Leader before and know how to do it” “I’ll be really responsible, safe, and I’m friends with everybody”. Learners had a lot to consider…it was now time to VOTE!

Take your crayon, blank paper ballot, and write the first letters of the name of your choice of nominated Line Leaders. With great secrecy and pride each learner casted their ballot and placed it in the bowl to be counted. One by one the votes were read and tallied. Only two votes were inaccurate and could not be counted, lesson learned. Then, eight turned into a tie of three!

RE-VOTE! The process repeated, this time with greater care to detail and with even stronger intensity! The votes were tallied, each vote read grew anticipation and excitement! Who would it be? The roller coaster of emotions was almost too much! Then, in a very close race, there was the declared winner.

The respect for the voting process and pride to participate was absolutely beautiful to witness. Spark Studio democracy was at work and now learners continue to say—let’s take a VOTE!


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