Braving the Unknown

“This is so different, it’s different than when I’m home…I’m not used to so many other kids!” 

These were the honest words shared by a young big eyed Spark Studio learner this week. While everyone was in the midst of a group activity this learner turned and shared her observation with me and all I could think was —WOW, she’s spot on, yes, this is different! Struck by her honesty I decided to ask “Is different good or different bad?” She thought for a minute and beautifully said “I don’t know, maybe both”. 

Trying something new, especially trying a new school for the first time can be scary but it can also be amazing. Different is unknown. The mashup moments of feeling scared and amazing is what we at Acton believe make the journey worth it. A hero’s journey is unknown and a hero isn’t always sure if they are ready to be brave. The sign of a true hero is simple, a hero tries. 

Being brave isn’t just reserved for slaying a dragon. Being brave is sharing your ideas, it’s asking to play with a new friend, it’s choosing to stay at school even when you miss your parents, it’s skinning your knee and getting back in the game. Being brave is trying and not giving up!

Every learner experienced a variety of different, challenging, and a series of “unknown” moments this week regardless if they were beginning or continuing their Acton journeys. During our team challenge of crossing the hot chocolate river learners had to work as one team and it was tough. Spark learners seemed to have ease with this challenge while Discovery learners struggled to form a cohesive strategy and work together. A brave Discovery learner motivated her fellow travelers and shared “this is hard and we can’t do this YET. I don’t know how but we have to work better together”. Her optimistic bravery and choice to corral her fellow travelers was inspiring. 

Yes, this very moment may feel different for you or different for your child but perhaps it is a mix of different good and different bad. Bad may be the feeling of fear of the unknown but good may be the feeling of amazing possibility! All that I and our Acton Guides are certain of is that the unknown is palpable and the bravery of these beautiful heroes is bursting! This is just the beginning…


Ready, Set, GOAL!


What does it mean?