Book Buddies

“I have an idea!” This was the start of a conversation I had a few weeks ago with one brave Discovery Studio learner. 

The Problem: He shared, “I’ve been thinking a lot and I really want to help my friend in the Spark Studio. I know he wants to move up to be with us in Discovery but he’s stuck on the Bob books; he needs to get better at reading.”

The Solution/Experiment: He proposed, “I have a plan. What if I spend 30 minutes every day and read with him, help him out with all the tough spots. I think he just needs me to cheer him on so he doesn’t give up. I know that helped me get through those tricky ones.” 

After hearing his plan my eyes widened and I responded “Wow, is this how you want to spend your Core Skills time, helping a friend?” He shared “Yes, please!” My next question, “Have you asked your friend if he wants your help?” “Not yet, can you come with me when I ask?” So we happily walked to Spark and spoke with his friend. The look on his friends face was pure joy, and off they went! 

The Discovery learner set his iPad timer every day for the last two weeks for their special reading time and they quietly went to read in the library. Through the library windows I watched them blissfully share their love of reading, friendship, and one time they even shared a cozy blanket. The Spark learner’s attention while reading with his friend surpassed any moment when he read with a Guide. Working through “those tricky ones” was difficult. I loved hearing their focused practice full of “sound it out slowly, you got this” and “oh I get it!” Working hard is absolutely worth it when you are with a friend. 

The Result: The Spark learner leveled up! He proudly rang the mastery bell and both learners celebrated with hugs, high-fives, and a great end-zone victory dance! The Discovery learner couldn’t have been more proud of his friend and bragged to everyone in both studios how happy he was. Now, with a few books behind them they are still working on the road to mastering the entire Bob Book series, a few more levels to go. Working together worked!  

It’s fantastic that the Spark learner reached his goal but more than this achievement these learners were both enriched by the process. They gained skills of planning, strategy, accountability, teamwork, pride of work ethic, and most of all they learned the power of kindness. Friendship and kindness are priceless, they are real world super powers! 

As you know, the multi-age learning environment at Acton is special, this true story is just one of many.  At Acton it doesn’t matter how old you are, it only matters what you know and what you do. For this brave Discovery learner he learned what his help could do and by learning to do he hopefully is one step closer on his journey of learning to be.




Bedtime Stories for Heroes