Besting the Badge

17, November 1560

Dearest Parental Readers,

There is a noble lady from another kingdom named Lady O who every year is abundantly generous and offers lavish treasures to members for no effort at all. Her past gifting in this wizard clip was most extravagant and although generous in action goes against our Acton kingdom’s values. In the kingdom of Acton members value hard work and practice honoring the journey above all, regardless of outcome. An Acton hero only finds treasure when they find themselves whether that be the lesson of learning to be a hero that pushes through a challenge or a hero who was not ready for the journey this time.

The clearest token of treasure in our kingdom is the coveted Quest badge, a simple creative button made of plastic, paper, and metal. This item is not expensive yet it holds immense value to those that strive and achieve. It is a token of treasured memory that for many is turbulent, full of highs and lows, and overflowing with found determination. Do not get confused. The treasure of the badge is not in achieving but instead we believe the Acton treasure is in the level of effort and the wonder of experience. Our greatest evaluative questions are “Did I commit to trying my best?” “Was my work most excellent?”

For some Acton members they can prove with irrefutable doubt that their work was of the highest quality meeting or surpassing requirements; for others these questions hold the truth and the true lesson of the Quest journey that process is king!

Many parental members find the reality of a saddened hero to be unbearable however I, as your Lady of Communication, would like to argue that not achieving the badge is perhaps a greater treasure than earning one. My argument is thus that trying and failing is the greatest life lesson. Learning to try, care, pay attention to detail, and meet a deadline is an essential life skill. Rather than hand out trophy’s or Lady O’s cars we have promised to hand out opportunity and in turn your Acton house member has promised to go on their personalized hero’s journey.

As this is my final letter of our Renaissance journey I would like to speak to you, my dearest parental readers, and heed some advice. If your house member achieved a Quest badge get curious and praise process. If your house member did not achieve a Quest badge also get curious and praise process as each member contributed beautifully to their house’s Exhibition performance last night and each member rose their social status from peasant to craftsperson, some to noble or knight, and for the very rare few royalty. A wise friend once told me “Meet them where they are not where you want them to be.” This is my challenge to you. For every badge journey resist the urge to push for achievement and instead encourage effort. Pushing does not guide learning it stops it. If your member is uninterested meet them there with empathy and explore what they’d change and why. If your member is deeply interested support by crafting an extension of the journey.

If your house member loves the badge system of the Acton kingdom yet does not commit to your house chores perhaps consider creating a home badge. Identify what skills must be mastered and co-create a list of items to practice and deliver. For example you could create a Pet level 1 badge which includes consistent feeding, exercising, maintenance cleaning, and loving. Be specific with what is required and when complete celebrate with a badge or level up to a new skill.

Every badge journey is an opportunity for a hero’s adventure. Whether the badge is for Quest, Core Skills, or another interest the badge process is a symbol of their best and the best they are able to find in themselves. Learning to learn, do, and be a hero is hard and for us heroic parents it’s even harder to witness however your treasure may be found with the virtue of patience. In the words of last night’s Shakespearean narrator “PLAY ON!”


Best Intentions


The Turn of the Ton