Bathroom Magic

Maybe it’s the echo, the privacy, the calm stillness of “me” time, or maybe it’s pure creative magic that transforms our Acton bathrooms into full-on musicals! Every day I have the pleasure of hearing learners belt their little hearts outs while caring for their bodies. There are top 40 songs with interesting lyrics, new compositions, and personal songs about the sun, the moon, or this one “my heart, my heart, beats…forever…(sung with deep feeling)”. 

At our Acton we have quite a symphony of creatives. Whether it be working on core skills, using the bathroom, or sauntering down the hallway these music makers are effortlessly inspired and constantly singing sweet tunes. 

The best is when a tune catches fire and sparks a trend. At the end of the day learners partake in their beloved studio maintenance, a time to clean and organize the day’s beautiful messy moments. A few weeks back the words “Studio Maintenance” were sung and then like wild fire learners throughout the building sang the same tune with flair. Creativity grew and now we have a full on jingle in a jazz style with the occasional snaps and dance moves. It goes, “Studio Maintenance (ascend), Studio Maintenance (descend), What is your job today? Studio Maintenance (ascend), Studio Maintenance (descend), Cleaning the Acton way!”

I think the magical bathroom portal is simply a spark, a moment that allows learners to express safely and explore their creativity. Perhaps understanding the magic doesn’t matter because the creativity of our learner’s has created a beautiful community!


Curious Questions

