A Survivor’s Quest

Every learner at Acton is on a hero’s journey and on their learning journey they encounter different Quests to build character, explore mysteries, and learn who they want to be. At Acton we develop Quests each session (a total of 7 each year) that typically last 4-6 weeks. Quests are a series of challenges bound by a compelling narrative. Quests are not about memorizing text book information or taking tests, they are all about discovery and the building of skills that apply to real-life. Real heroes fall on their journey and learn from mistakes, so do our Acton heroes. True learning by doing!

So how do we decide what Quest when? Here’s how it works. To give you an overview of the Acton Quest annual learning design, every year we make sure to have Quests geared towards team building, entrepreneurship, logic, culture and civilization, and science. Each of these Quests are chosen for variety, fun, and to try and answer the overarching year’s question. The year question is big and always socratic. Last year’s question was What does it mean to be human and this year’s question is What is the Hero’s Journey. The year’s question creates an anchor for each Quest and learners use the session Quest theme as a lens to look through, explore, and discover possible answers to the BIG question and often many, many more questions!

Other questions you probably wonder…..

When do Quests happen? In the afternoon on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays.

How are Quest goals set and measured? Guides offer goals through a narrative in Socratic discussions, role play scenarios, challenges, and goals are measured with levels of deliverables, rules of the game, points, and reflection. Exhibitions are the ultimate showdown to prove learning at the end of each Quest and provide an opportunity for learners to showcase their journey. As we’ve shared before, sometimes the greatest learning happens when the road is hard, bumpy, or when failure is felt.

Are Quests connected? Yes! Often we design Quests to build on concepts. Remember last session’s Coding & Robotics Quest? Learners need those step by step skills for Survival “If—Then” scenarios!

Specifically, this session’s 5 week Survival Quest offers learning basics of how to find food, water, shelter, and safety. This week, after learners gained first aid practice their skills were put to the test in a disaster simulation!  “ALERT ALERT ALERT!!!! A tornado has torn through the Discovery Studio and learners are severely injured! Some learners have head wounds, were burned by electrical wires, or were thrown into furniture causing fractures and broken limbs. HELP!”

Spark learners gathered medic materials and were off with big grins and determination to bring as many survivors to safety as possible! Time’s up and another disaster strikes, this time an earthquake hits the Spark Studio and the tables turn to play the role of patient and medic. During this Quest learners are definitely gaining practical life skills, however Quest learning also invites learners to practice problem solving, critical thinking, leadership, teamwork, resourcefulness, and compassion and kindness for others.

This type of learning is invaluably memorable. A book or video can't explain the tough yet real sinking feeling when we ran out of time to save everyone or the sense of pride that a learner can save themselves and a fellow traveler. This type of learning at Acton brews a lifetime of skills and a deep confidence that learners are heroes that can do hard things! They can survive and will thrive to change the world one bandage at a time!


The Journey of Change


Exhibitions: Proving Learning