A Special Adventure

This Wednesday was one of those unexpected perfectly Acton moments full of questions, aha’s, and magical hero responses. During our morning circle our amazing Guides decided to ask learners a question “How do you feel every day when you step into the doors of Acton?” Learners responded “excited” “excited and a little nervous” “happy” “tired, because my Dad wakes me up soooo early”. After many repeats of “excited” and the like, we all agreed that when we step into Acton each day it feels special. 

Our conversation deepened as Guides helped connect the feeling learners have to the feeling every hero experiences at the start of their journey, “the call to adventure”. When called to adventure so much is unknown yet a true hero answers the call and takes a leap, a true hero tries. Learners thought back to the many heroes we’ve learned about and met thus far. Like light bulbs learners lit up thinking of Neil Armstrong, Ms. Dani our garden hero this session, Ms. Brandy our art hero, and Thomas Edison. We remembered how Edison tried over 600 times until he successfully invented the lightbulb. We took a moment to explore our golden bead material to fully experience 600 and how each bead was one try; Edison was determined! 

The hero’s journey isn’t easy but it is deeply meaningful, and the journey is what makes Acton special. At Acton, we don’t shy away from hard, instead we lean in. We lean in to the tears, to the frustration, to the struggle, to the bumps and bruises that we encounter along the way in order to find our courage, to find our light bulb like Edison. 

Every day learners answer their call to adventure by simply walking through the doors of Acton. Each learner’s journey is their own yet along the way they meet their fellow travelers (their friends), mentors (Guides), and move through trials of math, reading, honesty, friendship, and more so that they can become their greatest hero, themselves. Our special hero conversation ended with learners sharing what type of hero they want to be when they grow up. “I want to be an Astronaut” “Zookeeper” “Police Officer” “Artist” “Scientist” “Waterslide Tester” “Football player” “Veterinarian” “Wrestler” and “Water Scientist”. 

Acton feels special simply because school at Acton is an adventure, a fun adventure where anything is possible. If we continue to show up, try, leap, and work through the journey we will become a hero and change the world for one person, many people, or future generations. Learners are special.


Growing Brains


Changing the World