A Heroic Beginning

“Alexander the Great was 20 years old when he conquered the world. Joan of Arc, 17 when she began her crusade; Ben Franklin 13 when he first apprenticed. At Acton Academy, we believe our young too will change the world, sooner than most can imagine.”

— Jeff Sandefer, Acton Academy co-founder

This first week of school I witnessed a courageous 4 year old walk into Acton. As her mother hesitated at the car door this learner proudly walked into school, shook my hand, opened the door, and said yes to the journey. This brave learner needed no help, had no confusion, and knew where she was meant to be. This moment was special not only because of her confidence but also the bravery of her mother to support her capable daughter despite the tears in her eyes. For many of you parents you might have felt a similar mix of nerves and joy on the first day or this first week; perhaps you even shed a sparkly tear or two of your own. Like the quote of the “father” of our Acton Academy network above it is imperative that we remember that our babies (whether 4 or 13) are far more capable than we often can imagine!

Each Acton family has answered the call to adventure, the second stage of the hero’s journey after leaving home, and for many you, you are entering the unknown, the third stage. The unknown is full of beautiful questions: How will my child’s journey go this year, what new Quests will inspire their passion, will they make friends, will they practice kind habits and will they grow to love to learn? The list of questions may be long and this is your hero’s journey. Rather than worry I encourage you to delve deep into the other W, wonder. Wonder with brave curiosity what your child will become…

Time will tell how the journey will go but for now I’d like to share a few of the adventures of our heroes as they invested in building their studio’s owl nest this week.

Spark Land learners planted seeds of friendship as they explored play, elements of games, and the beauty of nature. They sang magical songs about weather and wonder and if you peek into school you’ll see their flower arrangements and art spreading joy with abundance. Discovery learners bursted with community games and the thrill of the Lip Dub! Ask your learner to share the Director process and their contribution to the team. Adventure Studio learners modeled America’s founding fathers as they drafted their studio contract and governance documents. They bravely reflected on their studio’s shared values and desired life journey. What felt most special was their realization that as first Adventurers in Oshkosh, they are one group of many studios across our network of 300+ operating the same middle school Quest journey.

As a parent myself I am perpetually amazed by the growth speed of my children who are now 9 and 5. The reality that they are far more capable and creative than I expect is deeply and consistently humbling. This is the surprise element of my hero’s journey, this is my unexpected treasure of parenting. As you begin your year I want to invite you to reinvest in your hero’s journey and explore the hero’s journey methodology that is the foundation of our school. Take a moment and watch this video for inspiration. After you watch, carve a moment for yourself and reflect on the hero questions that Adventure Studio learners have been grappling with this week. Who am I and who do I want to become? What are my gifts/opportunities and injustices that call me to adventure? What commitments must I make to myself, my family, and my community? What do I want to build at Acton and who will I connect with?

You are a brave hero that has chosen this journey. I am proud to be among you and I wish us all a journey rich will fellow travelers, challenge, treasure, and meaning. Congratulations on beginning…


Parliament Process


A Year’s Journey: Where Do You Look for the Truth?